My need is to feel accepted
my need is to be respected
my need is to be hugged and felt of exciting caring intimacy.
My need is not tobe critical
My needs are not of bitterness
my needs are not on the green grass upon the other side of the fence.
My needs are here and now
Being present.
My needs are within
My needs are without
My needs heave and hoe weight in bounds
My needs drive me
My needs care for me
My needs are not of blame
My needs are not to define or explain
My needs are not of intimidation
Or malicious intents.
My needs are liberties ringing
My needs are resonances blooming
My needs are nourished
My wants are to share the best
My wants gives to you and me
My wants care immensely
My wants project
My wants make illusions
My wants can be a maze
My wants tell intriguing stories
My wants spark divinity
My wants are to-be enlighten and rippled out
Created for and by all needed wants, and everything in between it’s existence
What a wild ride life can be.