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It's Time

Writer's picture: sssmdsssmd

Embodiment feels: it operates at levels of the unconscious. The more the embodiment practice, the more up-leveling we can achieve. I"ve been chipping away with what feels like Shawshank at times the small hammer on a big wall thats been in my field since 2020.... (redirection)... Its Time... its time to put yourself out there again and join the rest of the world.... Round 2. starting business is easy when driven.... what drives? I enjoy building people up... I enjoy their persona I enjoy helping ones BIGEST DREAMS become the fabric of their very realities.... My purpose here is to show a better way of doing things organically and authentically through my experience of joy.... It Joys me to see you have success in that fire that passion for that heaven on earth that could only be made from something as divine with-in...

I have a lot of controversy around beliefs and I think we take our selfs to seriously and have been programed todo so with "-Isms" coming out of our ears in the media...So many are blind to the level and degradation our minds have taken on with pushing ideals of ways to be for consumerism idealism.. its an addiction and markets know this...

Belief: I Don't think we are all equal... or at least we aren't made equally... to each can become who they choose and those choices have built them. Truly what matters more than other peoples systematic hierarchies. Is the resonating in and out frequency that pulsates our very fabric of heart in our locality. and that is what I think matters in my hopeful Belief that someone will resonate that bell. how I treat others Matters... its that Golden rule to self and other that Matters most. dont let some ismed compain sell you that single point of view... resonance matters

Locality Matters Nothing really matters more then the locality of our being... What surrounds us and what we swim in... Our skin, our clothes, our beings, and materials. Its the mental fabric of simply "BEING" as it is as "LOCAL" as it gets... Internal peace matters... therefore your Direct contact to how we TOUCH and FEEL our lives MATTERS... and thats Universal for liberty is the freedoms we seek.

Liberation is freedom the act or process of freeing someone or something from another's control : the act of liberating someone or something :Removal of traditional social or dogmatic rules, attitudes, etc.

Who wants to be free to have peace of mind? Who all wants to be free of everyday fears, stresses, anxieties and mostly the anger that drives our frustration to the roof... what's your #LIBERATIONMOMENT and how can we find that?

Liberation and Locality go hand in hand... One hand on the Heart... I love myself and another held up for everyone to see I am Honest Liberated Authentic and Free to my Frequency.

Esthetics Isn't just Skin____ Its the Vision Board to the self dive have the fabric the body thy temple my vechile and how well I care...

For this I feel is An Authentic Persona Salon that coaches every approach to the fabric and esthetic that is us...

no Fake Bullshit just Truths, Drive and Passions to drive us forward. Go ahead and Ring that Bell.

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my story

Born and raised in the sub-burbs of Seattle Washington. I quickly started my profession after high school in Holistic Health and esthetics in 2004 where I mastered European esthetician facials, lymphatic drainage and hot cold therapies. In my Youth I also enjoyed very much the world of make up and coloring hair,  in 2008 I went for my cosmetology license. I mastered cuts, color nails, wedding up styles and makeup. I helped start two new salons with a mentor of mine. Until 2012 when I moved to Big Sky , Montana and started my own Salon. Opening at first a small shop that later turned into a Dream salon of my own with three hair chairs, three pedi and mani stations and a small practitioner/esthetics room.  We served the small ski town of Big Sky: its residents a town of 3,000+, Travelers passing through on to west Yellowstone, vacationers that flew in and the enthusiastic Skiers, Bikers, Hikers and fishing folks of course. Where I happily served for nearly 4 years until 2020 shot the gun in my foot and I did what a lot of people did then...   decided to take a long break....    For one reason and another I had made the decision to quit hairstyling and move on to something else... Having a young boy of my own and wanting to enjoy more of him and questioning my life and the salon industry as a whole. I've opened myself up to the land of learning. Farming culture, raising food, foraging, Herbalism, canning along with learning more about myself who I am. 



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