It’s true sometimes it just takes people time to figure it out. We need to learn what was never given to us, and to receive what could only come from an the inner individual .
This is what authentic destiny or purpose means. You cannot go to an “artificial”class and nail it in. Artificial meaning coming from other, telling you what todo when todo it and therefore doing it for you….
The hierarchy system of the top pyramid down can mean that others have authority over you and what you can or cannot do.. it can be overwhelming and put you in a space of feeling like it’s all futile. Some People might find this enjoyable, as it is an easier more direct passage…it's the convenience that kills though, and having strict systems in place as if its a one size fits all puts a damper to a growing a flourishing possibility of creativity of genius.
We all need mentors and teachers, but it's good to recognize the hard no's that society places on its own people.
When we blindly walk the walk, we miss a beat for some authentic creativity that can speak volumes over the a typical path.
Life is choice, and as it goes along, we can choose to liberate and define our passions (what brings us joy). What can feel like a loud ringing bell swinging for excitement and burst of glee out of us. Energy that seems almost effortless.
I feel if we all moved like this we would ripple out those same rings of liberty to others all arounds. Bells vibrate bells to the same frequency.
These are some hierarchical truths. And only when we sit in what mastery looks like to ourselves individually, can we also see the humility between self and others. Through our own experiences in life of liberty vs being opposed by others authority, saying its only this way and not your way.
To take a look at this means, where am I operating thats not lifting my energy? What Stops me from moving forward? and how can I feel liberated?
it's only our own representation that's illuminating our paths as they currently are..
if your looking to move through joy again see the complex relationship in hierarchies and redefine it into a simple one where respect and liberty remain. 🔔
